The Midland County Republican Party hosted their annual Bush Day Dinner on March 3rd at the Horseshoe Arena. Governor Greg Abbott, serving as the guest speaker, outlined his priorities this legislative session while also applauding Midland voters for the vital role they played in his overwhelming win last November.
Of the topics discussed, Gov. Abbott emphasized transportation funding and the desperate need for additional roads in the Permian Basin, stating he was saddened by the numerous “white crosses” along local highways indicating traffic fatalities. While the Permian Basin is leading the state and nation in oil and gas production, the increase in activity are posing new challenges. Gov. Abbott said that he believes his appointment of Odessa’s Tyron Lewis to the Texas Transportation Commission will be beneficial to West Texas’ representation at the table.
Gov. Abbott also reiterated his budgetary goals and efforts to expand personal liberty. In an effort to maintain Texas’s business friendly and pro-tax payer environment he said he will, “reject any budget by the Texas Legislature that doesn’t include tax relief for Texas businesses and individuals.” As mentioned in his State of the State Address, he committed to cutting at least $2 billion in business franchise taxes and $2.2 billion in property taxes.
In regards to expanding greater liberty to Texans, Gov. Abbott said he suspects he “will be getting a bill on [his] desk that ensures that Texas is just like 44 other states, allowing you to open carry in the state of Texas.”
County Chairman James Beauchamp thanked the Governor for taking the time to speak in Midland despite it being the middle of the legislative session (not to mention his first session as governor), saying it was actually Gov. Abbott’s team that initially made the offer to speak.
His appearance at the Midland County Bush Day Dinner was demonstrative of his commitment to West Texas, and as for the latter, the positions he continues to take throughout the session will further show how genuine the remainder of his campaign promises were.