Nothing’s quite so distasteful in our democratic republic as an autocratic politician who demands that his every word and action be seen as benevolent kindness by those over whom he rules, er, represents. Such is the case with El Paso’s Pat Haggerty.
Haggerty declared this week that “Everything I have voted on has been good for El Paso.”
Right. So it was good for El Paso to let left-wing liberals to go on a spending spree with the taxpayers’ money? Because, that’s how he voted when it came to the budget.
It was good for El Paso to levy a tax on nursing home residents? Apparently he thinks so, because Pat Haggerty voted for it.
It was good for El Paso to unravel welfare reforms and make the Children’s Health Insurance Program open to fraud and abuse? That’s how Haggerty voted.
Pat Haggerty is widely viewed as one of the least effective legislators, and certainly one of the most liberal Republicans. The good folks in El Paso deserve someone better.