There was an interesting story in the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal about the large number of Mennonites who have immigrated to the Gaines County and Seminole-area over the past thirty years.
While many Mennonites may choose to dress a bit differently, their style of dress is certainly less alarming and odd than what has become common-place among low-educated gang-banger urbanites and their copy cats. Also, the religious traditions of Mennonites are main stream in when compared with the radical dogma of many of the country’s founding immigrant groups.
A member a Gaines County Mennonite community told the newspaper: “We believe in pulling our weight. We’re not here to take from the county. We’re here to help the city, and the county, and the country.”
Like any other group of people, there have likely been a few bad apples in the bushel, but from what I’ve observed of Mennonites in Texas, and those I’ve seen still in Mexico, I now favor a “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” package. My package, much different from Democrats, would seek out Mennonites, and similar groups, and bring them here on the first planes inbound.
Some who choose to be ignorant about those who founded and settled both the USA and Texas may think these folk odd and out-of-step with our culture. The informed know better. The informed understand that Mennonites have, in almost every way, more in common with those who settled this nation and built it into a world power, than does much of our contemporary society.
Robert Pratt is host of the top-rated Pratt on Texas radio program which can be heard at