
Local Archive

Fred Hill Won’t Seek Re-election, Regrets Not Raising Taxes

The Dallas Morning News blog is reporting that Rep. Fred Hill (R-Richardson) will not seek re-election. Hill now tells the Morning News that his one regret is "not passing legislation letting North Texas have local elections on expanding rail service."...

Travis County Commissioners To Break Pledge, Increase Spending

It must be something in the water that's causing elected officials in Austin to not follow up on promises when it comes to taxpayer protection and relief. The legislature promised to kill the TIF tax, and it took four years to do it, and even then they're taking the...

Readin’, ‘Rightin’, an’ Riot Shields

Remember when teachers worried about chewing gum under the desk? The question was "pocket knife" or "putty knife" in removing the problem. How quaint. Apparently the little darlings in the Dallas Independent School District are so poorly behaved the school district is...

A Taxpayer’s Rock Star

People respond to leadership, especially when it is leadership driven by principles. It's always good to see people recognize a good thing when they've got it. And in Tarrant County, they know they've got a good legislator, who leads by principle. Early this evening I...

Irving and Corpus Christi Expand Scope of Education Spending

Irving ISD taxpayers are going to be voted on a $250 million bond in November that includes replacing laptop computers for every high school student. This is an example of mission creep - in years past parents were in charge of buying supplies for their students.  In...

A Strike Against Taxpayer Waste at the Ballpark in Houston

KTRK News in Houston reports that the Harris County Sports Authority has been dining at the taxpayer trough at a 36-person suite at Minute Maid Park, the home of the Houston Astros. Sports authority board members and their guests racked up $20,000 in food costs,...

El Paso Taxpayers: Pay Up

Same song, different verse. Like taxpayers around the state, the people of El Paso are getting hit hard by their city council with an 8.4 percent increase in property taxes. The reason? “We don't have enough police officers,” according to the El Paso Times....

Next We’ll Be Told Liberals Grow Government

The next time someone points to England as an example of anything other than a good place to get fish-and-chips, casually mention a study funded by their taxpayers. Girls, researchers there breathlessly announced this week, prefer pink. Sadly we don't have much to...

Costly Proposed New Bond Would Push Denton ISD Toward State Cap

The Denton ISD school board has announced it will ask voters to approve a $282 million new bond initiative in November. Interestingly, $2 million of the proposal has nothing to do with students - it is to build a child care center for district employees. If this bond...