Frustrated by ongoing leadership changes and a lack of transparency from Houston Independent School District, parents of Lantrip Elementary School students organized a protest to voice their concerns.

Houston ISD has been the subject of significant criticism in recent months, particularly due to the major changes occurring within the district, including high principal turnover.

Mike Miles was appointed superintendent of HISD on June 1, 2023. From then to June of this year, over 150 principals have either resigned, been fired, or been reassigned to different schools, with the district reporting a staggering 70 percent teacher turnover rate since June of this year.

A notable example of this issue can be seen at Harvard Elementary School. In October, Principal Shelly Calabrese and several other staff members were placed on leave while an investigation was conducted. The details of the investigation remained unclear to parents, and even after Calabrese’s termination in early November, no official explanation was provided.

In response to inquiries, Houston ISD sent a statement to ABC13, writing:

HISD cannot comment on the status of any specific personnel issue or investigation. However, as a district, we are committed to fostering a high-performance culture focused on student achievement for all our employees. We expect all employees to show up for their scheduled workday, respect the directives of their supervisors, and conduct themselves in a manner that advances the work of their school and the district. When any employee fails to meet these basic expectations, it is standard practice to place them on leave while Human Resources completes an investigation into their behavior.

Despite Calabrese’s official termination, no further details were provided regarding the cause of her firing.

Following Calabrese’s dismissal, Sharon Pe Benito was announced as the new principal of Harvard Elementary. However, before her first day, Pe Benito resigned, citing online bullying by parents as the reason for her decision to step down.

Amid these ongoing challenges, Lantrip Elementary has also experienced principal instability. The district recently terminated the school’s newest principal, Valiza Castro, leading to frustration among parents. This is especially notable, as she’s only been the principal at Lantrip since June of this year.

Jannica Palmer, mother of a Lantrip student, expressed her frustration with the decision and lack of transparency, stating, “Her dedication has transformed our school. Removing her without explanation after just three months is unacceptable.”

This frustration led to the protest on Wednesday morning, in which parents voiced their ongoing concerns about the district’s lack of transparency and the continual instability at the school and in the district generally.

Later that afternoon, HISD sent an email to parents, students, and staff at Lantrip Elementary announcing that Janet Benavides would serve as interim principal until a permanent replacement could be selected. Benavides previously served as the principal of Laurenzo Early Childhood Center for four years.

Houston ISD did not respond to Texas Scorecard‘s request for comment before publication.

Michael Wilson

Michael Wilson is a 5th generation Texan, born and raised just outside of Houston, Texas. He is a devout Christian as well as a husband and father of 2 beautiful children. He fights for Houston daily as a radio host on Patriot Talk 920 AM. @sirmichaelwill