CCitizens filled the Presidio County courthouse on Wednesday, where—after hearing testimony supporting a proposed gun rights resolution—the commissioners court voted unanimously to declare the county a gun rights sanctuary.
In addition to numerous citizens speaking in support of the unprecedented resolution, Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez also spoke in favor of the measure.
“We have people in Washington trying to abolish the Second Amendment and take our rights away,” Dominguez said. Citizens erupted in applause at the conclusion of the sheriff’s speech.
Teresa Beckmeyer of Gun Owners of America attended the meeting. “It’s great to see so many people standing up for their constitutional rights,” she said after the resolution passed. Beckmeyer also commended the commissioners court and the sheriff for their actions and for standing up on record.
Notably, online news reports show the partisan makeup of the entire commissioners court in the large border county as being Democrat, not Republican.
You can read the full resolution here.