Ryan Elkins may be young, but he has experience that will rival that of many activists in the Houston area. The 20-year old, two-year Patriot Academy alumnus has been involved in fighting the issues burdening his community for the past six years.
Elkins moved to The Woodlands Township 11 years ago with his family. Although his parents are politically informed and do vote, he wasn’t raised in an activist family. However, in 2009, his freshman year of high school, the federal government’s involvement in bailouts and overzealous spending of taxpayer dollars spurred his activism. Elkins recalls sitting back and thinking that too many Americans complain, but very few take action, and from then on he knew he needed to be involved.
As a young conservative, Elkins says he offers a different perspective on issues facing his generation. This perspective affords him the ability to engage younger voters in a way most elected officials cannot.
“I think it is important that conservatives begin making an effort in getting the youth involved, and getting younger conservatives elected into public office,” said Elkins.
From his initial involvement onward, Elkins has not found a cause he deemed unworthy of a fight. He is an active member of the Montgomery County Tea Party, and serves as the public relations director for Montgomery County Citizens Against Illegal Immigration. Elkins was also the campaign scheduler for a tea party congressional candidate in Montgomery County.
While Elkins spends a fair share of his time focusing on political causes, he is also a devoted philanthropist, always looking for ways to better his community. Elkins initiated and executed a community service project aimed at giving back to all nine of The Woodlands Fire Department’s firehouses.
To ease the burden on firefighters, Elkins recruited 30 volunteers to take care of any housekeeping needs they had. He also organized a fundraiser for a resident of The Woodlands who had a rare heart condition, and raised more than double his intended goal.
Elkins feels that it is his responsibility to help fellow Americans through any channel necessary, and says being politically active is his passion. Caring so deeply about his community, state, and country, he vows to stay politically active for as long as he can.