I shared a story in early November 2019 about Baby Tinslee, the baby that was saved through the providential orchestration of the signing of a Temporary Restraining Order by Texas Right to Life and Judge Alex Kim.
I wrote about it here. The very hospital charged with the care of Baby Tinslee is the very organization trying to kill her, exercising what is known as the 10-day rule that allows a hospital to pull life-saving care against a patient’s or family wishes, allegedly only used in the worst cases.
Yet Baby Tinslee is still alive and continues to be active and vibrant. After months and millions of dollars spent by Cook Children’s, Texas Medical Association, and fake pro-life organization Texas Alliance for Life trying to reverse the TRO, yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States denied their petition to kill this precious life.
This decision to deny the petition means that the U.S. Supreme Court refuses to hear the case because they support the ruling of the lower court. The 2nd Court of Appeals supported the TRO and the grounds on which Judge Kim signed it, saving this baby’s life.
This decision has many implications:
This is a blow to the Texas Medical Association, a liberal lobby group that consistently supports the culture of death in the legislature.
This is a blow to a fake pro-life group that fights against abortion but thinks doctors should be able to override patients’ and families’ end-of-life wishes.
It’s a blow against the Texas Directive Act (10-day rule), which is especially good going into the 87th Texas Legislative Session.
The Tarrant County judge, with the courage to stand on principle, had his decision upheld even though he was forcibly recused from deciding on the case and then procedurally “punished” by many other spineless judges in Tarrant by removing caseloads that belonged in his court and were the main reason the voters put him there.
Most importantly, Baby Tinslee has defied the predictions of the doctors and has been given a chance at life and a second opinion outside the group of doctors that work for a hospital that would rather spend millions on litigating their right to kill a baby than invest in saving her life.
It has been a good day in Texas.
This is a commentary republished with the author’s permission. If you wish to submit a commentary to Texas Scorecard, please submit your article to submission@texasscorecard.com.