A local watchdog group investigating voter fraud has a warning for illegal vote harvesters preying on elderly voters in and around the Metroplex: “We’re not going to stop.”
Following a story Texas Scorecard broke last week on new allegations of voter fraud in Dallas County, on Tuesday WFAA in Dallas sat down with Aaron Harris of Direct Action Texas (DAT). The interview centered on the latest criminal vote harvesting complaint DAT filed on April 14 with the Texas Secretary of State’s office.
DAT’s staff has been investigating complaints of illegal vote harvesting in past elections inside Dallas County, which they say involves illegal activity by elected officials and other canvassers.
Meanwhile, WFAA has been covering recent complaints from West Dallas voters who received mail ballots they didn’t request. DAT said when they saw WFAA’s report on allegedly-forged ballot applications, they “recognized the handwriting on the application shown on the screen” as belonging to one of the people involved in their criminal complaint.
Harris told WFAA that mail-ballot harvesters are “preying on elderly, low-income people” and had a warning for anyone in the business of illegal vote harvesting:
“You need to really think about what you’re doing, because we’re going to expose it,” Harris said. “If you are doing this, the odds of you getting a complaint against you in the near future are very high. We’re not going to stop.”
Dallas County voters should be wary of anyone trying to pressure them to apply for a mail ballot or asking them to sign forms they don’t understand. Voters who receive mail ballots they didn’t request or have other voter fraud complaints should contact the Dallas County Elections Office at 214-819-6359.
Dallas is the fourth county in which DAT has filed an election integrity complaint; Hill, Tarrant, and Harrison currently have ongoing criminal investigations by the Texas Attorney General’s office. The Tarrant County case is believed to be the largest voter fraud investigation in state history.