Although a mob of unruly protesters attempted to shut down the Let Women Speak Event in Austin, the women involved refused to be silenced. 

The event was hosted this weekend adjacent to the Austin Pride Parade. It was promoted as a forum for women to discuss how the issues of homosexual “pride” and gender ideology have damaged womanhood. 

As the speakers began their presentations, the protesters chanted, “Trans rights are human rights” and “Hearts not parts.” In addition to the chants, two people held a ‘trans flag’ that read “Fight for Trans Lives, Sanctuary City Now!”


In an X post, a group of “antifascists” called on people to protest the event and “make sure they know they ain’t welcome.” 

Despite the threats of physical harm, Michelle Evans—the event organizer—told Texas Scorecard the protestors could not shut them down.

“The hateful screeches of trans activists couldn’t drown out the voices of women who dissent to men in their spaces,” said Evans. “We won’t be deterred or silenced and are already planning for more grassroots events like this one.”

Amie Ichikawa

Amie Ichikawa is a formerly incarcerated woman. She speaks around the country against biological men being allowed to exploit vulnerable women in California prisons. She began her campaign after California passed the ‘Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act’ in 2021. Ichikawa said the law has made it easier for women to be victimized while in jail. 

“I need to raise awareness about the crimes against humanity incarcerated women are being subjected to on a daily basis, now that gender self ID policies allow fully intact men into women’s prisons. No one cares about these women because they simply cannot relate, but everyone is just a single wrong choice away from being in those women’s shoes.” explained Ichikawa. “I stand for the truth and will keep telling it as long as I live and I will advocate for everyone’s right to freedom of speech, even those I completely disagree with.”

Laura Becker

Another speaker was Laura Becker, a detranstioner who spoke out against the horrors she experienced starting at a young age. Becker described herself as having had PTSD and suicidal ideation as a teenager. She said she sought care at a gender clinic when she was 19, where she was given 200 milligrams of testosterone. Her therapist and general practitioner then encouraged her to undergo a double mastectomy.

Becker told Texas Scorecard that many people have been recruited to act as soldiers for the “pro-transgender” movement. She described them as indoctrinated to believe that anyone who speaks out against the harms of transgenderism is a “fascist.”

“Vulnerable people are being emotionally brainwashed to believe that any safeguarding or nuanced thought about transgenderism is ‘fascist,'” said Becker. “Mentally unstable people are recruited by radical activists to think that women and de-transitioners must have their speech suppressed, as it threatens their worldview of good vs evil. It is, ironically, fascist to censor speech, and to manipulate the youth into acting as soldiers for the larger movement–which in this case is about power and protecting big pharma.” 

Prisha Mosley

Another detransitioner who spoke was Prisha Mosley. She recounted being 15 and believing she was a boy. After receiving cross-sex hormones and having her breasts removed, she is now speaking out about her experience in the hopes of protecting vulnerable children from permanently disfiguring their bodies. 

“As a detransitioner, it was important for me to attend the Let Women Speak event to support women and speak out against gender ideology. Young people struggling with their gender should be supported and have their mental health issues addressed, not given life-altering drugs or have their body parts removed,” said Mosley. “Being a woman is a biological reality which unites all females. I hold space for my sisters who identify as men and look forward to welcoming them when they are ready.”

Meghan Murphy

Meghan Murphy, a Canadian journalist and founder of Feminist Current, also attended the event to speak against the danger of the “transgender movement.” Mosely has her own podcast exposing the truth about gender identity legislation and how it harms biological women. 

Murphy told Texas Scorecard she found the event inspiring and hopes more women will speak up about biological realities. 

“Despite all of the advancements made by the women’s movement over the past 150-odd years, today, in 2023, women must fight — must risk their physical safety, their jobs, their social and political standing — simply to speak truths about human biology and the vulnerability and safety of women and girls,” said Murphy. “The transgender movement is a dangerous, misogynist, regressive hate-movement that must be stopped, before we lose everything. The event itself was incredibly inspiring and galvanizing and I hope to see many more women exercising their free speech rights across the country.”

You can listen to the full event and the speakers’ stories here.

Emily Medeiros

Emily graduated from the University of Oklahoma majoring in Journalism. She is excited to use her research and writing skills to report on important issues around Texas.