Texas DPS Arrests Human Smuggler in Possession of Child Porn….
Texas A&M Gives $1 Million Payout to DEI Proponent After Failed Hiring…
ACLU Sues to Stop Law Protecting Children From Sexually Explicit Performances…
Harris County Officials Push Affirmative Action Policies…


6.3.2024: House GOP swats at Phelan.

Majority of House Republicans Rebuke Phelan Policy & Say ‘No’ to Democrat Chairs… Texas Supreme Court Rules State Abortion Ban Is Constitutional… Texas Senate Wants Big Tech to Answer on […]

5.31.2024: Slawson Announces Speakership Bid.

Shelby Slawson Announces Bid to Unseat Speaker Dade Phelan… Democrats Want DOJ to Probe Daniel Perry Case… Driver Busted With 27 Illegal Aliens in Horse Trailer… Texas Teacher Took Explicit Videos […]

5.30.2024: Abbott declares School Choice victory.

Oliverson Not Backing Down on Challenge to Phelan’s Speakership… Abbott Declares Victory for School Choice Following Electoral Gains…. Dallas ISD Organized ‘LGBTQ Youth’ Trainings for Staff… Hagenbuch Wins Open Republican […]

5.29.2024: Phelan scores pyrrhic victory.

Dade Phelan Scores Pyrrhic Victory… Historic Routing of Establishment Incumbents Continued… SBOE Incumbents Hold on to Seats… Congressmen Say Collin Allred Wanted Mask Mandates in FAA Bill… Harris County Sheriff’s […]