Greg Abbott rolled out anti-riot legislation, following the lead of Florida Governor Ron Desantis. Today Matt Rinaldi compares the two plans. It is remarkable when you see exactly what Abbott left out of his plan. As you listen you should ask yourself why he watered down Desantis’s plan so much.

Warren Norred also joins the conversation to discuss the legal battles Abbott is in regarding the unilateral authority he has attempted to grab during this pandemic.


Texas Legislature: Explaining the Clock

Why are some concerned about the delay tactics that have been used in the past and seem to be part of this session’s plan as well? Former speaker Dennis Bonnen called these critics unconstitutional, so let’s examine what the Texas Constitution says. Also, Governor Abbott has rolled out some strong emergency items which can be […]

Democrats Celebrate Wins in the Texas House

It’s been a very hectic week in the Texas House and today we break down the nuances of just how they empowered Democrats while trying to provide cover for the Burrows R’s.

Dan Patrick Sets The Tone

Our Lieutenant Governor is setting a strong tone to start off our session. We also take time today to break down the types of policy that will be on the negotiating table between Burrows and the Democrats who elected him.

5 Ways Conservatives Won This Week

We have a speaker; it’s not who conservatives support, and it is who the Democrats chose, but this week has been a huge win for conservative Republicans.