Why does Arizona matter so much for the future of Texas? We’ll discuss this in today’s episode.

We’re also joined by Tyler Bowyer, the RNC committeeman for Arizona and Turning Point Action’s chief operating officer, who discusses just how easy it is to make an outsized difference in the party.

Tyler is someone who didn’t plan on getting into politics full time, but once he felt called, he jumped right into GOP grassroots activism. He’s been a major force in pushing the GOP to the right in his state and across the nation. His position gives him even more authority to speak to the fact that where Arizona goes, Texas will likely follow.

I hope you enjoy today’s conversation.



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A New Beard Says a Lot About Texas Politics

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Conservative Policies We Must Address in 2025

We all know that the legislature needs to take the Texas GOP priorities seriously. We also know that there are tons of policies that the Texas House killed last session that also need to be revisited. Today I break down a few really important issues that I think absolutely need to be addressed next session so that we can start preparing now for the push that we know is necessary next year.