The Luke Macias Show
The Luke Macias Show
Election Integrity: Who Killed It?

There is a lot of finger-pointing going on right now, as Texas Republicans failed to pass election integrity legislation.

Today, I bring on Daniel Greer, one of the election integrity experts in Texas. Daniel does a great job peeling back the onion and revealing that the Texas Republican House leadership has a long history of killing election integrity legislation, and this session was no exception. He also details the lack of coordination from Governor Abbott, who just recently started clarifying his position on this issue.

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Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.

The Contract With Texas

Some House conservatives are setting the tone for next session early. Also, what questions should you ask candidates for RPT Chair?

Interview: Tom Oliverson for Speaker

Today we have a discussion with Tom Oliverson on why he’s running for speaker and the structural changes he believes should occur to reform the Texas House.