There are 42 days left in the Texas legislative session.
Texas House of Representatives:
- Convenes at 11 a.m.
- Considering 29 bills total (CALENDAR)
- HB 14 – State Rep. Craig Goldman (R-Ft. Worth) – Creation of TX Electricity Supply Chain Security & Mapping Committee [ERCOT/PUC/Winter Storm]
- HB 1520 – State Rep. Chris Paddie (R-Mashall) – Provides for securitization financing to enable gas utilities to recover extraordinary costs from catastrophic events [ERCOT/PUC/Winter Storm]
- HB 1510 – State Rep. Will Metcalf (R-Montgomery) – Provides for the recovery of costs incurred through lower-cost securitization financing for certain electric utilities [ERCOT/PUC/Winter Storm]
- HB 3648 – State Rep. Charlie Geren (R-Ft. Worth) – Requires the PUC and Railroad Commission to work together to adopt certain rules to designate certain gas entities and facilities as critical during an emergency [ERCOT/PUC/Winter Storm]
- HB 1752 – State Rep. Tom Craddick (R-Midland) – Establishes that a person that is not considered an electric utility is not regulated as such simply for entering into a transaction by the wattage hour [ERCOT/PUC/Winter Storm]
- HB 2189 – State Rep. Phil King (R-Weatherford) – Tax dollars not being used to promote an agenda that hurts the state’s energy sector and the economy as a whole by prohibiting investments by certain state entities in companies that boycott these energy companies [ESG]
- HB 2053 – State Rep. Stephanie Klick (R-Ft. Worth) – Licensing & regulation of genetic counselors; license & fee
- HB 129 – State Rep. Mary Gonzalez (D-El Paso) – Digital citizenship instruction in public schools; sixth-grade curriculum on media literacy & credible sources of information, digital ethics and identification of rhetoric that incites violence, cyberbullying prevention
- HB 2374 – State Rep. Scott Sanford (R-McKinney) – DFPS “Efficiency Audits”
Texas Senate:
- [9:36 PM] Convenes at 8 a.m.
- Several priorities still on INTENT CALENDAR
- Sunset Bills: SB 700 – Texas Parks & Wildlife; SB 703 – Dep. of Agriculture, Prescribed Burning Board, TX Boll Weevil Eradication Foundation, and abolishment of the Early Childhood Health & Nutrition Interagency Council; SB 707 – Credit Union Department & Credit Union Commission
- SB 1699 – State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R-Mineola) – Protects the ability of student organizations formed for the purpose of exercising expressive rights to establish and maintain membership and leadership qualifications that further their expressive purpose