The Luke Macias Show
The Luke Macias Show
How Is China Infiltrating Texas?

China is hell-bent on indoctrinating our children and young adults here in Texas.

Today, we sit down with Robert Montoya and go in-depth on four Texas Scorecard pieces that explain how China is using its money to infiltrate our education institutions and indoctrinate our children.

This is something they know a little about, since they are professional indoctrinators. We need to get China out of Texas, and today’s conversation will bring some major issues to light so Texans can get to work.


Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.

The Contract With Texas

Some House conservatives are setting the tone for next session early. Also, what questions should you ask candidates for RPT Chair?

Interview: Tom Oliverson for Speaker

Today we have a discussion with Tom Oliverson on why he’s running for speaker and the structural changes he believes should occur to reform the Texas House.