While this week’s message is coming to you a day after Independence Day, it was recorded on the 4th, and the message is still clear: We should be very grateful for the sacrifices made by our founders. We should also be grateful that most of the politicians who are serving today were not among the founders. God only knows where we would be then.

We should also realize that the sacrifices made by not only the founders but many generations before us required more risk than we are put in today. None of us are actually putting our “lives, fortunes, and sacred honors” on the line. None of us are on a literal battlefield giving our lives to defend freedom. We are among those privileged to fight tyranny in a land that affords us the freedoms to do so largely unhindered, compared to most of the human civilization.

While our state has many pitfalls, and the cultural rot that we are tolerating would cause any founder to roll over in their grave, we should recognize that each of us could sacrifice more for freedom—and I hope that over the next year, we will.



Texas House Opens with a Pagan Prayer

You can’t make this stuff up. To give both chambers the benefit of the doubt, we let you listen to the prayers given to kick off both days of their work. The contrast is truly incredible.

Texas Legislature: Explaining the Clock

Why are some concerned about the delay tactics that have been used in the past and seem to be part of this session’s plan as well? Former speaker Dennis Bonnen called these critics unconstitutional, so let’s examine what the Texas Constitution says. Also, Governor Abbott has rolled out some strong emergency items which can be […]

Democrats Celebrate Wins in the Texas House

It’s been a very hectic week in the Texas House and today we break down the nuances of just how they empowered Democrats while trying to provide cover for the Burrows R’s.

Dan Patrick Sets The Tone

Our Lieutenant Governor is setting a strong tone to start off our session. We also take time today to break down the types of policy that will be on the negotiating table between Burrows and the Democrats who elected him.