The Luke Macias Show
The Luke Macias Show
John Davidson: The State of the Border & Journalism

The Supreme Court has ruled that some vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. This doesn’t change the need for a fourth special session in order to actually protect Texas citizens.

Today’s episode is a conversation with John Davidson, an editor and writer at The Federalist and a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

John goes into incredible detail regarding the history of the Texas border and the state actions currently being taken. John brings light to the fact that it might actually be better for some illegals to be apprehended by state officials rather than Biden’s federal border patrol agents.

John has a great perspective on many issues, including where journalism is heading as the digital landscape changes how we gather information.

I hope you enjoy this week’s conversation.


Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.

The Contract With Texas

Some House conservatives are setting the tone for next session early. Also, what questions should you ask candidates for RPT Chair?

Interview: Tom Oliverson for Speaker

Today we have a discussion with Tom Oliverson on why he’s running for speaker and the structural changes he believes should occur to reform the Texas House.