We are having a busy week in Texas. Lubbock continues to be ground zero for pro-life Texans, and activists are fighting valiantly to protect the unborn. Today we share testimony from Shonda McCay Rodriguez, a woman who was attacked by Mayor Dan Pope for challenging the city’s narrative.
We also cover Kay Granger and her attacks on Donald Trump. Granger only survived a very difficult challenge from Chris Putnam due to Trump’s endorsement of her, but has now gone back to her status as a never Trumper.
UT is giving their President a pay raise even though their revenue is plummeting. This type of insanity reveals real problems that need to be addressed by the legislature this coming session.
Allen West continues to hold GOP officials accountable and they are very unhappy about it.
These are the topics we cover this week.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
God Bless,