The Luke Macias Show
Texas Power Failure Highlights Systemic Corruption

Wealthy government-subsidized oligarchies have been exposed. Tony Tinderholt and Bob Hall started asking for more accountability and oversight over our grid long ago and have been mocked for doing so.

Power companies, their lobbyists and their PAC’s have worked tirelessly to keep politicians on their side. Now that millions of Texans are without power and lives are literally being lost, the winds have shifted. Today I take a few minutes to open your eyes to a few of the issues that have been going on for the last several years and just how hard it has been to hold this system accountable.

Now a lot of politicians feel the need to do something about it, which is good, but we need to fight to make sure real reform takes place.

God Bless,


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Uniparty Freakout in the Texas House

This week Democrats and liberal Republicans completely lost their mind when conservatives called out Dade Phelan for how he acquiesced to Democrats, who fled Texas in an attempt to try to kill election integrity policy.

An Interview With Chairman Matt Rinaldi

Today, we sit down with Matt Rinaldi and discuss his 3-year tenure as Texas GOP Chair. We also discuss how the Party has been positively reformed, what we need to do in the future, and how we have become a model for other states.

Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.