Episode 141: Jacob Asmussen and Robert Montoya stop by to discuss the proposals some Texas cities have to defund the police. Texas Scorecard Managing Editor Brandon Waltens discusses the loopholes left in property tax reform bills by Republicans that leftist local officials are attempting to use to justify exorbitant property tax increases. In a scathing letter, State Rep. Kyle Biedermann (R–Fredericksburg) takes Gov. Greg Abbott to task over his “nonexistent” leadership concerning the Alamo Plan. Biedermann drops by to discuss. 2017 Conservative Leader award winner Joel Starnes has this week’s Texas Scorecard Radio commentary.


  • Defund the police?
  • If your property taxes go up, it is only because the Republicans allowed them to do it.
  • Is this the last chance to save the Alamo?
  • Ye have been called unto liberty…
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