The Luke Macias Show
The Luke Macias Show
The Puberty Blockers Are Rebranding

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?

Well, I’m giving you the good news first.

The good news is that the GENECIS clinic, also known as the group of child abusers who are sexually transitioning Texas children, has been closed down by Children’s Hospital and UT Southwestern.

The bad news is that they are doing so to hide the sexual transitioning of kids, not end it.

They said so in their statement, and today we break down their smokescreen for you.

We also have a discussion with Chris Hopper who is the new director of American Principles Project – Texas. This is the first state-based APP project and it’s in Texas because we are losing the culture war here in Texas. I hope you enjoy meeting Chris and hearing why he’s jumping into the political arena.





Texas Runoff Preview

Texas Scorecard’s new documentary was just released. We talk about that and overview a bunch of the runoffs going on in Texas.

The Contract With Texas

Some House conservatives are setting the tone for next session early. Also, what questions should you ask candidates for RPT Chair?

Interview: Tom Oliverson for Speaker

Today we have a discussion with Tom Oliverson on why he’s running for speaker and the structural changes he believes should occur to reform the Texas House.