I think I know why Ken Paxton won’t resign. I honestly don’t know why Greg Abbott hates bar owners.

Today we cover those two topics.

If you haven’t kept up with what’s going on with our attorney general, then today will give you a good overview of the most important details.

If you are a bar owner, I want to apologize that we have a governor that disrespects your fundamental right to economic activity. It’s incredibly hard to watch, and I know that your lives matter, regardless of what our governor thinks.


The Moment That Is The Race For Speaker

It’s taken 15 years to get Texas Republicans fully aware of the dangerous alliance that a small group of Republicans have formed with a majority Democrat coalition. In two weeks, […]

Merry Christmas (2024 Gratitude)

Merry Christmas to each of you. I cannot tell you how grateful I am for all that the grassroots of Texas has done this year.

Burrows Bleeds GOP Support

Republicans are leaving Dustin Burrows weekly while a small handful of his cardinals are doubling down on their declaration of a civil war. Today, we break down all that is […]

Texas Speaker Race Explanation

 A small group of Republicans is trying to cut a deal with Democrats to elect the next speaker. Hear the behind-the-scenes overview of what is happening.