Reflections on Life & Liberty

Reflections on Life & Liberty

So much time is spent "in the fight" that it is easy to forget what we are supposed to be fighting for. To answer that, join Michael Quinn Sullivan each week as he puts the continuing fight for life and liberty in historical, biblical, and personal context.


At the Gates of Hell

At the Gates of Hell

We’re not called to lives of comfort and safety; we’re called to be faithful.

Doing Real Justice

Doing Real Justice

Christians are called to engage for good and justice in the real world.

Branding in Policy

Branding in Policy

If you want to win, don’t use your opponents’ definitions.

Branding in Policy

Leaving A Legacy

Let us live not for recognition but for impact.



Don’t confuse the uniparty’s death rattle for a war cry.

Branding in Policy

Accountability Starts Now

The lack of political accountability has allowed cronyism and corruption to undermine our republic.

Branding in Policy

Zeal of the Zealot

In the fandom culture of the 21st Century, we’re rewarded for misdirecting our zeal.

Citizens Must Always Be Vigilant

Citizens Must Always Be Vigilant

If this republic conceived in liberty will long endure, it will only be because we—the people—are committed to the work of practical self-governance.

Christmas Debts

Christmas Debts

Rather than fill the closets of loved ones with more junk, we should proclaim the Good News of Christ.

Getting Real News

Getting Real News

We want citizens to dominate culture and government.

Putting Faith in Facts

Putting Faith in Facts

Those who deny the basic facts of Scripture are clinging blindly to a false faith.

Idolizing the Past

Idolizing the Past

What counts today is what we are striving for tomorrow.

Now, We Get to Work

Now, We Get to Work

Donald Trump knows the extent to which the alligators in the swamp will seek to unravel the agenda set by real Americans.

Blinded to the Truth

Blinded to the Truth

The blind man couldn’t unsee the world after being given sight. What about us?

Wicked and Slothful

Wicked and Slothful

By hiding from the responsibilities of citizenship, some Christians are preparing to embrace an unbiblical foolishness.

We Must Fight On

We Must Fight On

Our obligation isn’t to be victorious but to be faithful. The fight matters.

Overturn the Tables

Overturn the Tables

The fake Jesus created in the modern age is a virtue-signaling tool of the progressive elite.

Laughing at Legion

Laughing at Legion

God seems to delight in a subversive humor that puts tyrants in their place.