Last month, an “all-ages” show called “A Drag Queen Christmas” began touring through the United States.
Past performances from the tour have included demonic costumes, sets, and songs. One year, videos revealed a drag queen dressed as a “Satanic creature” with blood dripping from his mouth, while other videos showed a man dressed as a “cross between a creepy elf and an alien” ripping apart a fake unicorn to heavy metal music.
This year, performances included a man, who goes by the name of Jasmine Kennedie, dressing in skimpy female costumes and performing inappropriate dances with other men wearing nothing but underwear and BDSM chest harnesses.
Other performers included a drag queen by the name of Jan Sport, who wore a dress while singing “O Holy Night,” a traditionally Christian Christmas carol.
Behind-the-scenes videos posted to social media show another performer, called Crystal Methyd, in more BDSM-style costumes, with his fake breasts hanging out of a low-rising corset top. Pictures were also posted of the man dressed in a skin-tight bodysuit with mesh red stripes and peppermint candies covering his faux breasts.
Multiple other drag queens are involved in the tour, including Silky Ganache and Jimbo the Drag Clown. The tour is being hosted by drag queens Nina West and Trinity the Tuck, with special appearances from singer and drag performer Todrick Hall.
The show has been an annual event for the past eight years. This year, the tour has a total of 36 stops scheduled, with 20 stops remaining this month. The first stop in Texas took place on November 29 in Amarillo.
Multiple protestors and “counter protestors” stood outside the Amarillo Globe News Center, where the event took place.
David Grisham, an Amarillo street pastor, stood with Rich Penkowski from Warriors of Christ Ministry and many other protestors, peacefully speaking out against the event.
“The goal is to try to get children in here so they can groom them; these people do not have children of their own. They do not reproduce. They can only recruit with their sexual exploitation of them,” Grisham said. “If they want to do their drag shows at their gay bars like they have been doing it for years, we do not care—that is what they do. But when you bring children into this, you have crossed a red line that we stand against.”
Meanwhile, counter protestors from the Austin branch of the John Brown Gun Club and Veterans for Equality Austin stood by, guarding the event.
Even though it was 29 degrees, Austin JBGC joined Vets 4 Equality in Amarillo to secure "A Drag Queen Christmas Show" by Murray & Peter, @MPPresent. It was over so quickly, we didn't get to take photos. Once the fascists saw us, they took off almost immediately.
— AustinTX John Brown Gun Club (@Austin_JBGC) November 30, 2022
Prior to the event, Republican Mayor Ginger Nelson of Amarillo sent a letter to various churches across the city, expressing her distress about the drag event scheduled to take place in her town, but she claimed there was nothing she nor the city council could do to shut down the event or prevent children from attending.
Nelson said, “I’m praying that those who don’t know Jesus or His grace will meet Him in Amarillo and be changed forever. I hope you will pray with me for these things.”
Jimmy Witcher, senior pastor of Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, released a statement regarding Nelson’s letter and the drag show.
“While I support freedom of speech as a privilege afforded us by our Constitution, it does not allow for the violation of our children’s innocence,” Witcher said. “We have a responsibility to protect children from sexualization and exploitation. I am very concerned about this type of event being held in our city and the harmful impact it will have on children allowed to attend.”
The show is set to tour five more Texas cities this month: El Paso on December 10, Corpus Christi on December 12, San Antonio on December 13, Austin on December 14, and Dallas on December 17.