A dozen grassroots organizations delivered a letter to Gov. Greg Abbott Thursday asking for a special session to pass the “Lone Star Agenda,” a package of conservative reforms intended to unite voters ahead of the upcoming elections.
“In the face of increasing division, conservative leaders across Texas have developed The Lone Star Agenda to reform important programs, protect what is unique about Texas values, and unite a coalition of common-sense voters we will need in 2020 to ensure that Texas remains on a path towards greater constitutional governance and prosperity,” the letter states.
The Lone Star Agenda includes the following 11 items:
- Allow families to make mental and physical health decisions for themselves.
- Stop wrongful removal of children from families by restoring due process rights for parents.
- Stop local ordinances that interfere in private employer-employee relationships.
- Increase protections for unborn Texans.
- Improve election integrity (paper ballot backup audit trail; citizenship verification).
- End taxpayer funded lobbying.
- End union dues withholding from public sector paychecks.
- Protect Texas monuments.
- Secure the southern border (interior enforcement to end the “magnet” effect).
- Stop human trafficking.
- Protect the rights of Texans to bear arms.
The letter concludes thusly:
“As grassroots leaders, with decades of steadfast commitment to personal liberty and sound governance, we have never been more united to fight.
“We look forward to working with you to pass the Lone Star Agenda in 2019 as the best path forward to unite and inspire all Texans in advance of the 2020 electoral fight that we will soon face together.”
The letter was signed by Concerned Women for America/Texas, Convention of States, Direct Action Texas, Empower Texans, Grassroots America, Gun Owners of America/Texas, Texans for Vaccine Choice, Texas Eagle Forum, Texas Ethics & Religious Liberty Committee / Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, Texas Home School Coalition, Texas Right to Life, and True Texas Project.
The groups are among a total of 285 Texas organizations, SREC members, and other leaders who have registered their support for the Lone Star Agenda. A full list of supporters and more information about the agenda is available at www.lonestaragenda.org.