
State Archive


Texas Exports Tax Hike to Nevada

Although Texas leads the nation in energy production and a variety of key economic indicators, we’re exporting much more than goods and services. Other states are following our lead on destructive taxing policy to the economic detriment of their residents. Patrick...

Education Lobby Fails at Math

According to the National Education Agency (NEA), Texas allegedly ranks 47 in education spending per student. A quick look at government data, however, exposes that talking point for what it is—a lie by omission. For starters, comparisons of nominal education spending...


Congratulations, Charles Perry!

Congratulations to Charles Perry on his outright win in the Senate District 28 special election. He received more than 50 percent of the vote in a crowded 6-way race for the 51-county election. Perry was strongly endorsed by Texans for Fiscal Responsibility and other...


Criminal Commissions

For several years, Texas has been a model of limited government—at least compared to other states. A new trend is taking us in a disturbing direction: unelected, unaccountable commissions usurping power, undermining constitutional authority and growing government....


When Leading Isn’t Popular

Although countless members of the legislature have appropriately defended Gov. Perry’s exercising of his constitutional authority to veto funding for a discredited agency, few have been willing to defend embattled UT Regent, Wallace Hall, for fulfilling his fiduciary...


Commission Races Forward With Illegal Slots Proposal

Today the Texas Racing Commission will take testimony from citizens concerned with the agency’s impending constitutional overreach. The Commission is considering enacting a rule that would allow Texas horse and dog tracks to implement devices called “instant racing”...


Texas Conservative Leaders: Limit Government Growth

Members of the Texas Conservative Budget Coalition are calling on lawmakers to keep state government growth at or under 6.2% in the 2016-17 biennium. Grassroots conservative leaders and budget experts gathered this morning in Austin to unveil a fiscally conservative...