State Reps. Kyle Biedermann and Tony Tinderholt released polling that revealed Republican, Democrat, and Independent voters in Texas believe they are taxed too much. These same voters preferred to use existing state revenue to reduce property taxes instead of a sales tax swap.
The survey was conducted May 4-5, 2019. There were 1,024 likely 2020 general election voters who participated in the survey. The margin of error is +/-3.1 percent. The poll showed that 63 percent of Texas voters currently believe the government spends too much, and 58 percent of them believe they are currently taxed too much.
Voters were given two options: a tax swap for $10 billion in new taxes to lower property taxes, or a plan where legislators use $5.6 billion in existing revenue to lower property taxes. Republicans, Democrats, and Independents all preferred using existing revenue instead of a tax swap.
The $5.6 billion polled was a number used from previous estimates given publicly by Sen. Paul Bettencourt on potential relief available.
When voters were told that the sales tax would shift the tax burden of state government onto Texans earning less than $100,000, the ballot measure tanked in support. Republicans, Democrats, and Independent voters all strongly opposed the measure.
Biedermann commented, saying, “Seniors, small business owners, and working families are overtaxed and struggling. Texans get that and this poll proves it. We don’t have a revenue problem in Texas, we have a spending problem in Austin; the legislature needs to realize that. We must make the tough decisions, live within our means, and make the changes necessary to deliver real property tax relief without raising taxes or increasing spending.”
Female voters in Texas preferred using existing revenue over a tax swap more than their male counterparts. Both genders preferred using existing revenue and not raising taxes for anyone.
Tinderholt commented, saying, “I’ve walked over 10,000 doors in my district, and the voters all tell me the same thing: They cannot afford their taxes. Let’s take a step in the right direction and make sure we tax them less in this budget.”
If the Texas House rejects the sales tax increase, it will be up to appropriators and the HB 3 conference committee to deliver tax relief within existing revenue.