As parents across the state demand “book boundaries” for their minor children in public school libraries stocked with sexually explicit materials, school boards have fought back under the guise of exemptions in Texas obscenity laws that allow for the “sale, distribution, or display of harmful material to minors” for “scientific, educational, governmental, or other similar justification.”
Based on the research of multiple state and national groups, the dark truth has emerged that these exceptions are based on the fraudulent research of sexologist Dr. Alfred Kinsey.
Kinsey, considered the father of the sexual revolution, held to the belief that children were sexual in nature from birth. He trained those who would advocate that due to children’s inherent sexual nature, they must be educated on sexual practices. Hence, the birth of sex education.
According to Audrey Werner, a sex education researcher behind the Matthew XVIII Group, Kinsey “conducted sex experiments on children and interviewed pedophiles who collected ‘data’ for Kinsey.”
“Kinsey shares that 317 infant boys ranging from birth to 5 months old were sexually stimulated and 604 pre-adolescents (ages of 5 months to 14 yrs. old) experienced orgasms. Kinsey described children as having orgasms if they were: ‘sobbing…sometimes with an abundance of tears’ (especially among younger children), and ‘afflicted with extreme trembling, collapse, and sometimes fainting.’”
In the latest Daily Wire production, “What is a Woman?”, Matt Walsh discusses Kinsey’s research with psychologist Dr. Miriam Grossman.
“Kinsey was a social reformer,” said Grossman. “He wanted to rid society of Judeo-Christian values when it came to sexuality. And he worked very hard to do that. And I would say he succeeded.”
“Kinsey will be very happy with our culture today,” said Walsh. “His idea was that children are sexual from birth, that we’re all inherently sexual creatures from cradle to grave. He believed that true happiness is found in a life of perverse sexual experimentation—no matter the age.”
Although Kinsey’s research turned out to be fraudulent—data collected from convicted sex offenders and child molesters in prisons—it formed the basis for sex education in public schools today.
Kinsey remains celebrated by Hollywood and academia, with the Kinsey Institute studying sexuality, gender, and reproduction at the University of Indiana bearing his name.
Notably, Walsh asked Dr. Grossman why this information isn’t well known.
She says, “Evidently, there are forces that don’t want this information out.”
With the knowledge of Kinsey’s experimentation and the reasoning behind sex education in public schools, a resolution from Senate District 18 will be presented at the Republican Party of Texas convention next week.
The resolution states that “the State of Texas should repeal all Texas laws based on fraudulent research by Dr. Alfred Kinsey” and suggests that Plank #103 of the Republican Party of Texas be replaced as follows:
Plank #103
Kinsey based Laws: We urge repeal of Texas laws that are based on fraudulent research by Dr. Alfred Kinsey including the affirmative defenses that allows children access to harmful, explicit, or pornographic materials and to be induced into sexual performance under the guise of education materials.
State Rep. Bryan Slaton (R–Royse City) is supportive of protecting children with a multi-faceted approach to current issues surrounding the overt sexualization of prepubescent children. In fact, Slaton has already promised to introduce legislation to protect children from inappropriate displays in public following a recent drag queen show for minors in Dallas.
We must protect Texas kids from sick adults who want to sexualize them.
No drag shows.
No porn in their libraries.
No gender transition surgeries.
Yes to letting kids be kids.
— Bryan Slaton (@BryanforHD2) June 8, 2022
Meanwhile, State Rep. Steve Toth (R–The Woodlands) says he will file legislation that protects children from obscenity in their school libraries by “tightening” the obscenity exemptions.
Some parents have started a petition to close the loopholes in Texas obscenity laws altogether, and as Werner told Texas Scorecard, “It’s We the People that are gonna save America, moms and dads and grandmas and grandpas that are getting in this fight.”
“There are all these wonderful moms that are rising up,” said Werner, who has been in this fight for nearly three decades, presenting information on Kinsey as well as the effects of comprehensive sex education to the Ugandan Parliament, which then decided not to implement sex education.
So, I like to say a mama with the help of Almighty God went up against the U.N. and Planned Parenthood International and God halted sex ed in that country [Uganda]. So, if God can use one mom to change one nation in Africa, what can He do with 10 mamas in America?
For more information on Texas schools sexualizing kids, the documentary “The Mind Polluters” can be streamed here.