“Let’s hear more from Perry on SBOE” was the headline in a column by Jason Embry in the Austin-American Statesman. My question is: Why?

Why has, normally reliable-to-be-sane Jason Embry, now caved in to the left-wing empty rhetoric that has always been present about our State Board of Education?

Ever since Republicans regained control of the board some years ago, that body has been a grounding point for the dangerous lightening of the liberal left, not only in Texas but from across the county.

In asking to hear more from Governor Perry on the SBOE, Embry comes very close to appearing as others in the press who do not seem to understand how our government works. SBOE members are answerable to us, not the Governor or Legislature, as we elected them – no matter what some members of the Legislature may often think.

The constant drumbeat from Austin about reigning in the SBOE, explaining them, or answering for them, is little more than an elitist disrespect of Texas voters and our ability to manage our own affairs.

It is certainly fine to ask the Governor, in a campaign, for his thoughts on policies adopted by the SBOE but, that is different from putting him in a position to be an apologist or spokesman for that elected body. In short: He didn’t elect them, he isn’t on the SBOE, and voters have plenty of opportunity to un-elect or re-elect their own members of that body.

It’s disappointing to read Embry going the way of the SBOE flame-fanners.

Robert Pratt is host of the top-rated Pratt on Texas radio program which can be heard at www.PrattonTexas.com

Pratt on Texas

Robert Pratt has been active in Texas Republican politics since the Reagan re-elect in 1984. He has served as Lubbock County Republican chairman, and in 2006 founded the Pratt on Texas radio network, providing the news and commentary of Texas on both radio and podcast. Learn more at www.PrattonTexas.com.