Amid the fight to halt student indoctrination into the Marxist, racist ideologies masquerading as an academic lens called critical race theory, Texas A&M University’s faculty senate has passed a resolution similar to one passed by the University of Texas at Austin’s faculty senate, proclaiming the “academic freedom” to teach CRT.

A hotly contested ideology among parents and educators, CRT has been revealed throughout the state of Texas in various schools, as well as state agencies.

The Texas Legislature ostensibly banned the practice of teaching CRT in public schools for K-12 students last summer, although the effectiveness of the legislation remains to be seen.

Now, the focus turns to universities—long-held bastions of liberal thought—as politicians say parents and taxpayers express refusal to fund the indoctrination of American youth.

On Friday, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick held a press conference where he called for an end to tenure for new university professors, in order to hold those teaching CRT accountable for their teaching methods.

Texas A&M’s resolution comes on the heels of Patrick’s press conference and expresses solidarity with the University of Texas in their pursuit of “academic freedom,” stating:

And be it further resolved that we stand with our colleagues at the University of Texas, the Texas Council of Faculty Senates and other institutions of higher education in Texas who are opposed to interference in matters of academics and curriculum, which are the purview of the faculty.

The Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at Texas A&M says the opposition comes from the self-interest of faculty members.

“I think this is a prime example of those in education sticking up for their own self-interest. Instead of advocating for a fair education, they would rather protect themselves,” Noah Betz, the chairman of YCT at Texas A&M, told Texas Scorecard.

“The only reason the faculty senate is doing this is that they will still be allowed to spew leftist propaganda while avoiding any sort of consequences. There is no accountability at Texas universities while we have taxpayer-funded tenure.”

The Prairie View A&M University AAUP (American Association of University Professors) chapter also passed a resolution to affirm “academic freedom” and “affirm the importance and necessity of teaching the truth about race, racism, and systemic discrimination, along with related topics.”

Sydnie Henry

A born and bred Texan, Sydnie serves as the Managing Editor for Texas Scorecard. She graduated from Patrick Henry College with a B.A. in Government and is utilizing her research and writing skills to spread truth to Texans.