In a lengthy floor session, the Texas Senate passed a flurry of Republican priority legislation Wednesday evening. 

Much of the legislation dealt with the Republican Party of Texas’ priority to stop the sexualization of children. 

Senate Bill 18 by State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola) removes state and local funding for public libraries if they hold “drag queen story hours” where “a man presenting as a woman or a woman presenting as a man reads a book or a story to a minor for entertainment.” A priority of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the measure passed along party lines in a vote of 20-11.

Senators also passed legislation that would expand protections against explicit books in schools by repealing “obscenity exemptions.”

SB 412, filed by State Sen. Mayes Middleton (R–Galveston), would remove the affirmative defense for distributing harmful sexual materials to students in Texas schools. Under the measure, the only affirmative defense exceptions are for judicial or law enforcement officers performing their official duties. Middleton said the bill further “ensures children are protected from sexualization and harmful materials.”

The measure passed in a vote of 23-8. 

Another proposal focused on children’s access to age-appropriate materials was also approved. Senate Bill 13 by State Sen. Angela Paxton (R-McKinney) would protect children from inappropriate content in school libraries.

The legislation prohibits school libraries from housing materials that meet the Federal Communications Commission’s definition of indecent content. The Supreme Court has upheld this standard for content that can be regulated between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.—the hours in which children may reasonably be in the audience.

It would also create district-level school library advisory councils consisting of parents, educators, and local community members. The councils would make recommendations to school boards regarding proposed purchases for school libraries. Books could only be purchased after an elected school board has approved them.

SB 13 passed by a vote of 23-8.

Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick stated upon passage, “These types of books have no place in our schools and must not be tolerated. Students need access to books that are grade, age, and developmentally appropriate.”

Senators also approved State Sen. Brandon Creighton’s (R-Conroe) Senate Bill 12, also known as the “Texas Parental Bill of Rights,” which is designed to protect parental involvement in education.

SB 12 ensures parents have the right to direct their children’s education, make decisions regarding medical treatment, and receive complete information about their children’s activities and health-related services.

The legislation also prohibits schools from assigning diversity, equity, and inclusion duties except as required by state or federal law. It also restricts instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in grades pre-K-12. Student clubs require parental consent for participation, and schools cannot sponsor clubs based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

SB 12 passed along party lines in a vote of 20-11.

Patrick said upon passage “I prioritized SB 12 because parents must be empowered to have an even greater role in their children’s education. With more parental input and empowerment, Texas students will be better served by the public education system.”

Patrick highlighted parental frustration with “public schools’ woke indoctrination” and added that “something must change.”

Senators passed another measure to require a “public elementary or secondary school” to “display in a conspicuous place in each classroom of the school a durable poster or framed copy of the Ten Commandments.” Senate Bill 10, filed by State Sen. Phil King (R-Weatherford) and another priority of Patrick, was approved by senators along party lines in a vote of 20-11.

However, before its passage, some Democrat senators questioned the legislation’s First Amendment implications and which exact form of the Ten Commandments would be displayed.

King previously admitted that he expects SB 10 to face legal challenges if made law, but he believes it is consistent with the U.S. Supreme Court’s established precedent.

Another Texas GOP priority, protecting Texas land from hostile foreign powers, also received attention from senators Wednesday evening. 

Senate Bill 17 by State Sen. Lois Kolkhorst (R-Brenham) would prohibit government entities, companies, and individuals domiciled in a country designated as a national security threat from acquiring “real property” in Texas. Real property includes agricultural land, commercial and industrial property, and even mines.  

The countries subject to the measure must be identified in Annual Threat Assessment reports from the Director of National Intelligence for three years. Currently, the four countries identified by the U.S. Intelligence Community as national security threats are China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. 

Senators approved the measure by a vote of 24-7. 

Patrick called the measure “common sense and good state policy” upon passage, highlighting that “[p]reventing private property from being sold to entities from adversarial nations is a basic tenet of national security.”

He expressed optimism that the measure would pass the Texas House, where all of the legislation passed Wednesday night is headed. 

Luca Cacciatore

Luca H. Cacciatore is a journalist for Texas Scorecard. He is an American Moment inaugural fellow and former welder.