In the wake of LGBT “pride month” and the recent Dallas “Drag the Kids to Pride” event, the issue of “transgenderism” (particularly among children) is raging more than ever across Texas and the nation.
However, the real consequences of transgender ideology—the idea you can turn into whatever biological sex you feel like—reveal a dire warning to parents.
The ideology is now reaching further into the medical field and becoming a highly lucrative industry, as pharmaceutical and clinical companies are targeting younger and younger children. Operations include injecting a child with puberty blocker drugs and cross-sex hormones, or mutilating their bodies to appear more as the opposite sex. In the United Kingdom, National Health Services facilities are now “offering guidance” on these procedures to children as young as 3 years old.
In Texas, the number of cases similar to that of 9-year-old James Younger is growing by the day. As Texas Scorecard has reported, James’ mother told him he was a girl and wanted to force him (against his father’s wishes) to take the sterilizing drugs and eventually be castrated.
Parents may think they are helping their child by seeking hormone blockers or genital mutilation surgery, but most children grow out of their gender dysphoria “phase.” Studies about the issue reveal 80-95 percent of kids who express concerns about their identity will ultimately identify with their true biological self if their development is unaltered.
However, if parents and medical professionals persuade the child to disrupt their adolescent development and permanently disfigure their body, the results are horrific. A long-term Swedish study analyzed individuals who underwent such procedures and found that 10-15 years after surgery, the suicide rate rose 20 times higher than their undamaged counterparts.
Another study published by the National Library of Medicine analyzed 139 young boys clinically referred for gender dysphoria. The NLM assessed and followed up with the boys, classifying them as either “persisters” or “desisters.” Their assessment found that, out of the 139 participants, only 12.2 percent persisted in pretending to be the opposite biological sex, while the remaining 87.8 percent desisted.
A report by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies found that transgender individuals may have an increased risk of breast, ovarian, uterine, or prostate cancer due to the injected hormones.
In addition to the scientific data, there are growing numbers of testimonies from individuals who began to “transition” early in their lives, only to regret the life-altering decision.
Walt Heyer, who struggled with his identity since he was a child, was 40 when he was diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The doctor he confided in told him the only solution was to get a “sex change.” As he went on to become a woman named Laura, he soon realized his surgery wasn’t the solution to his gender dysphoria.
“The reprieve I experienced through surgery was only temporary. Hidden underneath the makeup and female clothing was the little boy hurt by childhood trauma.” Heyer said. “I was once again experiencing gender dysphoria, but this time I felt like a male inside a body refashioned to look like a woman. I was living my dream, but still I was deeply suicidal.”
In another instance, a woman who has asked to be referred to as “Ruby” had identified herself as a male since she began taking testosterone at the age of 13. As Ruby was about to undergo breast-removal surgery, she decided to stop her hormone treatment.
“I didn’t think any change was going to be enough in the end, and I thought it was better to work on changing how I felt about myself rather than changing my body,” Ruby said.
A woman named Grace Lidinsky-Smith struggled with depression and identity issues for years before deciding she would “transition” to a man.
A year later, after taking cross-sex hormones and getting a “top-surgery” done, she would feel immense regret.
“I started my transition with cross-sex hormones injections. Four months later, I had my breasts removed.” Lindinsky-Smith said. “One year later, I would be curled in my bed, clutching my double-mastectomy scars and sobbing with regret.”
Lindinsky-Smith is now the president of the Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network, which advocates for reparative treatment for surgeries or hormones that have caused physical or emotional trauma.
Despite the left’s promotion of such procedures on youth, the reality is that there is no evidence that mutilating a child’s otherwise healthy body helps children in any way. In reality, all that remain are traumatized, disfigured children with serious mental health issues—and many questions for the adults who encouraged the operations.