Young Conservatives of Texas—a nonpartisan, conservative youth organization known well for making waves on college campuses throughout the Lone Star State—released its legislative rankings for the 86th legislative session, continuing its tradition of publishing one of the longest-running legislative ratings in the state.

Considered in the rankings is a wide swath of votes taken during the recent legislative session on a variety of topics, from protecting free speech on campus to Second Amendment rights.

The average score in the Texas House was a 50 out of 100, while the Texas Senate averaged a slightly better score of 59.

Topping the list in the Texas House is a three-way tie between State Reps. Briscoe Cain (R–Deer Park), Mayes Middleton (R–Wallisville), and Tony Tinderholt (R–Arlington), all of whom earned a score of 97.

Unsurprisingly, the worst-performing Republican in the Texas House was State Rep. Sarah Davis (West University Place), who earned a lower score than her Democrat colleague State Rep. Ryan Guillen (Rio Grande City) with a dismal 42.

In the Texas Senate, State Sen. Bob Hall (R–Edgewood) ended up on top with a score of 88, while State Sen. Kel Seliger (R–Amarillo) earned his spot as the lowest-scoring Republican in the chamber.

“YCT ratings are unique because of our holistic approach to rating the members of the Texas House and Senate on a litany of issues,” said Nick Ciggelakis, YCT’s policy and legislative director. “We believe our ratings will help voters in making an informed decision of who to support during this upcoming primary and general election season.”

This release marks the 23rd consecutive installment of YCT’s ratings, which date back to 1975.

The full YCT ratings, along with votes considered, can be viewed here.

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens