Will constitutional rights be lost under Republican control?
2A Rights
Commentary: Dan Patrick, Not Beto, Is the Biggest Threat to Texas Gun Owners
This is a sure way to demoralize the GOP base, destroy the Republican brand, and turn Texas blue.
How Will Embracing Gun Control Affect GOP in 2020?
Conservative radio host Chris Salcedo and Texas Gun Rights’ Chris McNutt discuss whether GOP leaders will listen to their base and mitigate impacts that embracing gun control may have on 2020.
An Unusual Alliance? Liberals Praise Patrick After Gun-Control Tweet
Some on the left are coming to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s aid as he continues his crusade for expanded background checks.
Odessa Sheriff Blasts “Lying” Beto’s Gun-Control Proposal
Ector County Sheriff Mike Griffis blasts O’Rourke’s gun-control proposals as dangerous, says presidential candidate should “quit lying.”
Bob Hall: “Zero Compromise” on Gun Control
“You are either on one side of this issue or the other side. There is no middle ground.”
Cruz Splits from Patrick on Gun-Control Proposal: “A Serious Mistake”
“I hope we don’t do that. I think that would be a serious mistake.”
Abbott Moves to Right of Patrick on Gun Control
While Dan Patrick wages war against gun owners, Abbott appears to be taking a different approach.
Patrick Standing by Calls for Gun Control: NRA is “Just Wrong on This”
Patrick has not backed away from calls for expanding background checks, saying it’s “the right thing to do.”
Abbott Takes Executive Action on Gun Violence
Meanwhile, talk of a potential special session to address gun violence is beginning to build in the Capitol.