Both efforts were endorsed by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and were listed among his top 25 priorities for the legislative session.

Both efforts were endorsed by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and were listed among his top 25 priorities for the legislative session.
Activist Bonnie Wallace’s letter urging Gov. Abbott to fast-track a key Republican Party of Texas legislative priority received more than 6,200 signatures.
Katrina Pierson warned the company to “leave your politics in California.”
The measure would require companies to disclose whether they are using AI, create guidelines to prevent bias, and protect personal data.
The True Texas Project, attorney Tony McDonald, and former Round Rock ISD Trustee Danielle Weston shared testimony critical of the state agency.
True Texas Project’s letter comes several days after the Republican Party of Texas addressed issues with the Texas Ethics Commission in a resolution.
The executive committee called for removing the TEC’s authority over private citizens and preventing its further expansion.
The federal law requires sensitive information of business stakeholders to be disclosed to the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
State Rep. Brian Harrison called the motion for a gag order against the surgeon “outrageous.”
According to Paxton, this coordinated effort could harm market competition and violate the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act of 1983.