In a swift proceeding on Thursday, Houston ISD’s trustees voted on a 1-cent tax hike for property owners. This comes on top of a 3-cent increase in 2013. These tax hikes are in response to the $1.89 billion voter-approved bond two years ago. According to Trustee...
Local Debt
Leander ISD Proves Why “Interest” Matters
Texas taxpayers deserve to know the whole truth about their local debt.
Austin’s Debt Train to Nowhere
In November, Austin voters will decide on City Proposition 1—a billion dollar transit rail line that will over double the city’s debt and lead to a substantial tax increase for property tax payers. Unlike previous elections on boondoggle projects, greater citizen...
Houston Officials Bury Their Heads In The Sand
Houston's elected officials are continuing to endanger the prosperity of our state’s largest and most economically vibrant city by ignoring major fiscal challenges and complaining about voter-imposed revenue limits. For the first time in five years, Houston taxpayers...
Masters of Manipulation
The masters of manipulation are spending your hard-earned tax dollars researching which “facts” they should share and which they should brush under the rug.
Local Debt Requires Local Action
Reforms to the debt-issuing process are needed to make it more fair and transparent. Several schools we’ve approached are working to adopt them, but others won’t if Texans fail to ask!
Birdville ISD Poised to Make History
Despite bi-partisan opposition to landmark disclosure and transparency reforms supported by the Texas State Comptroller in HB 14 last session, a few school districts across Texas are considering adopting several “best practices”, voluntarily. Officials in Birdville...
Local Debt: Don’t Wait Until November
Engaged Texans can more effectively influence their local officials by taking proactive steps now as opposed to waiting until November.
Fort Worth ISD Once Again Demands Critical Voter Oversight
We’ve previously touched on Fort Worth ISD’s unjustified borrowing addiction earlier this year, citing the district’s addition of over $1 billion in new debt since 2006 to finance “classroom growth” despite enrollment growing by less than four percent. Now, it seems...
The Education Debt Industrial Complex 2: The Fast Growth Debt Coalition
Recently, we reported on how school administrators, education vendors, and construction companies cooperate to influence ISD bond elections in favor of education debt. However, you might not be aware of the incestuous relationships between some elected officials and...