Texans for Vaccine Choice and its supporters asked elected officials to state if they’re for or against Texans’ individual rights.
Vaccine Mandates
Legislative Preview: Fighting Medical Tyranny in Texas
Texans for Vaccine Choice says the way forward against the Chinese coronavirus is medical freedom and self-governance, not mandates.
Abbott: Vaccines are ‘Voluntary, Never Required’
At a press conference in Austin, the governor said there would be “no more shutdowns” and that the Capitol will be reopened.
West: An Attorney’s (and Working Parent’s) 2020 Holiday Legal Wish List
It’s time for each state legislature to resume its proper rule-making authority and for governors (some who don’t even follow their own orders) to rightfully step aside.
Commentary, Federal, Local, State
Schlegel: ‘I Voted for Freedom’
“I voted as a woman and as a single mother of three—including one with special needs—who have hope for their future. I voted for them, for their country, for the future.”
Jackie Schlegel: Defending Parents’ Rights
“I think stopping the bad legislation is probably the most important thing we’ve done.”
Should Dallas City Council Fund a Government ‘Nightmare’ Instead of Police?
Mothers of special-needs children decry proposals to reallocate taxpayer funds from the police department to government mental health teams.
North Texas Grassroots React to Contact Tracing
“It is not now, nor will it ever be, the role of the government to keep us healthy, but instead to protect our freedom to do so ourselves as we see fit,” said Jackie Schlegel.
Commentary: Open Letter to Gov. Abbott on COVID-19 Medical Freedom
“Although Texas has a strong history of honoring its citizens’ right to make medical decisions with the guidance of their chosen medical care provider without government intrusion, we are seeing an unfortunate trend of policymakers who are generally champions of personal liberties cross lines and take uncharacteristic actions.”