On the eve of the runoff elections, a Republican candidate for state representative is coming out against state spending limits, one of Gov. Abbott’s top legislative priorities.

In his answers submitted to www.ivoterguide.com, Steve Allison distanced himself from Abbott by saying he disagrees that “the state constitution should limit the growth of spending to the rate of population growth plus the rate of inflation.”

When Republican primary voters were polled on the issue, 94% said they agreed that government growth should be capped at the rate of population and inflation. Perhaps because of that wide support, Gov. Abbott made the issue one of his top priorities for the 2017 special legislative session.

Allison is competing against conservative businessman Matt Beebe for the Republican nomination in House District 121 and has been endorsed in the race by outgoing House Speaker Joe Straus, who killed the spending limits bill during the regular and special sessions in 2017. In his answers to the website, Beebe said he strongly supports state spending limits.

In addition to disagreeing with spending limits, Allison also refused to answer a survey question asking whether he would support the choice of the Texas House Republican caucus for Speaker. This indicates that Allison, like Straus before him, may be interested in forming a governing coalition with House Democrats in order to obstruct conservative reforms, such as the spending limits bill.

Early voting is underway in the HD 121 primary runoff, and Election Day is Tuesday.

Tony McDonald

Tony McDonald serves as General Counsel to Texas Scorecard. A licensed and practicing attorney, Tony specializes in the areas of civil litigation, legislative lawyering, and non-profit regulatory compliance. Tony resides in Fort Worth with his wife and daughter.