Congratulations, Dripping springs! You stood up to the big spenders in your local school district that wanted to raise your taxes to the maximum allowed by law. By rejecting that idea by a 3-1 margin, you are an example to all the edu-crats looking to continue haphazardly spending taxpayer’s money.
Last night, taxpayers in Dripping Springs rejected 74% to 26% an attempt to raise M&O property taxes to the highest rate allowed by state law. That’s nearly a 3 to 1 margin of local residents telling school district officials to get control of DSISD spending.
Taxpayers didn’t fall for the convoluted math that Dripping Springs ISD used to rationalize a 13-cent hike in the M&O tax rate. DSISD spends less than 25% of their total expenditures on classroom instruction, with per student spending approaching $17,500. That’s higher than neighboring Eanes, Lake Travis, San Marcos and Austin ISDs, and it’s simply unacceptable.
DSISD had one of the worst per instructional spending rates in the state, and by rejecting their attempt to raise taxes, taxpayers took a great step forward in bringing about greater fiscal responsibility for their school district.
It’s inspiring to see the such bold action as we saw last night in Dripping Springs. I hope taxpayers (and edu-crats) across the state were watching.