Wilson is the first lawmaker, Republican or Democrat, to explicitly refuse to accept petitions delivered by Empower Texans.
Dustin Matocha
Proactive Donor Protection Needed
Rather than protect the free speech of citizens, the Texas Ethics Commission and its allies in the Texas House have sided with speech regulators.
The Need for Real Budget Reform
Unless the Legislature passes commonsense budgeting reforms, the state’s spending problems will only get worse.
Lavish Spending by Lobby Exposes Need for Real Ethics Reform
What do legislators have to lose by passing Gov. Abbott’s ethics reform package?
Texas Republicans Want School Choice
Momentum is building in Texas to pass legislation expanding educational opportunities.
Grassroots Republicans Call for Zero-Based Budgeting
One of the most affirmed-planks in the platform, Texas Republicans want the Legislature to start from zero.
Preemptive Disclosures Needed
When elected officials do business with government, it brings into doubt the independence of their voting behavior.
Voters Want Property Tax Reform
Overwhelmingly, grassroots Republicans want the Legislature to phase out the property tax system.
Democrat Chairman: Crossover To Stop Conservatives
Democrats in one county are so desperate to stop conservatives, they’re willing to crossover and vote in the GOP primary.
Public Sector Union: “We cannot afford to lose a friend like Byron Cook”
If a union can’t afford to lose Republican State Rep. Byron Cook, can taxpayers really afford to keep him?