After increasing allegations of voter fraud in Texas have come to light in recent months, State Sen. Don Huffines (R–Dallas) has requested a committee hearing to further investigate the matter.

“Voter registration & voting by non-citizens is illegal and unacceptable. It casts doubt on our system of elections and causes voters to question whether their vote is counted as they intend it, without being cancelled out by an illegal vote,” stated Huffines. “Voters deserve answers now, yet election officials’ silence is deafening.”

Earlier this year, an investigation by grassroots organizations discovered that more than 280,000 registered voters were not citizens at the time they received identification cards from the Department of Public Safety.

Huffines wrote a letter requesting the hearing to State Sen. Bryan Hughes (R–Mineola) who serves as the chair of the Senate Select Committee on Election Security. In his request, Huffines asked for the hearing to be held in Dallas County.

“The failure to prosecute illegal voting is just as troubling as the failure to enforce state law that limits the right to vote to U.S. citizens only” wrote Huffines. “I would hope that Dallas’ District Attorney, Faith Johnson, would attend and participate in the hearing, as well.”

According to an inquiry from Huffines,  the Dallas County Elections Administrator reported that from 2011 to present, 174 voter registrations were cancelled due to non-citizenship. Of those 174 voters, 22 non-citizens cast ballots in an aggregate 38 elections from March of 1988 to November of 2016.

“The numbers of non-citizens registering to vote and casting ballots is disturbing, and so is the uncertainty. Election administrators and prosecutors need to give voters straight answers and honest information immediately, and a Senate Select Committee hearing will give them that opportunity to set the record straight.”

Brandon Waltens

Brandon serves as the Senior Editor for Texas Scorecard. After managing successful campaigns for top conservative legislators and serving as a Chief of Staff in the Texas Capitol, Brandon moved outside the dome in order to shine a spotlight on conservative victories and establishment corruption in Austin. @bwaltens