State Senator John Carona was recently discovered among a group of 2014 candidates—including moderate candidate for AG, Dan Branch—pulling a bait-and-switch scheme on Facebook to buy ‘Likes’.

While Branch was using the on-going “Duck Dynasty” controversy, John Carona was baiting Texans with ‘liking’ Christmas—but really, they were ‘liking’ Carona’s Facebook page.

While perusing Facebook to see how Carona’s social media tricks actually affected his numbers, we discovered the Dallas-area senator might be even more out-of-touch with his district than we originally thought:

Carona certainly got a spike in Facebook activity and new likes during the Christmas season, but he still seems to be struggling with where exactly his Senate District is. Carona’s Christmas campaign brought in most of his new likes from Houston.

Then again maybe he’s looking to expand his political horizons—contemplating a statewide run, perhaps?

Could he be considering challenging some of his Houston-area colleagues? Maybe incumbent Senators Joan Huffman and Larry Taylor, or even TFR-endorsed candidate for SD 7, Paul Bettencourt, should be watching their backs!

Come to think of it…we haven’t seen that much forethought from Carona or his team. Carona—like the other candidates pulling these advertising schemes—is simply a career politician whose team is “astroturfing” his social media in order to make it appear he is more in-touch with the grassroots.

What this really shows is the incumbent senator will spend this primary season trying to buy his way back into his seat—which he obviously finds very comfortable. It must be all the cushioning he gets from the lobby and corporate interests

Morgan Williamson

Morgan serves as the Managing Editor for Texas Scorecard—monitoring our media presence, both online and in print. She is a Texas native, Texas State graduate, and veteran staffer of the 83rd Texas Legislature. Aside from a good dose of editing & strategizing, Morgan enjoys proper grammar usage, a lot of coffee, and good company.