Building on the success of its Metroplex work, Texans for Fiscal Responsibility/ Empower Texans today announced the launch of a Houston-based operation focused on local governance issues.

Leading the work will be Charles Blain, who most recently worked as a regional field staffer for Greg Abbott’s gubernatorial campaign. A native of New Jersey, Blain graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson University and previously worked with the American Conservative Union, the national organization that organizes the influential Conservative Political Action Conference each year in Washington, DC.

The president of TFR, Michael Quinn Sullivan, said Blain will be covering local government issues with a focus on engaging taxpayers.

“Our nation’s founding principles, and our system of government, work best when the citizens are engaged. Unfortunately, on average 90 percent of Texas’ registered voters don’t participate in city and school elections,” said Sullivan. “We believe Texas needs more citizens who are informed on local issues so they can participate both during elections and in the governing discussions.”

The Houston operations will initially focus on the City of Houston and Houston ISD, but will grow to look at the dozens of other cities and school districts that make up the metropolitan region.

“I’m looking forward to helping Houstonians learn more about the issues facing their city, school and county government,” said Blain. “Texas, and the United States, needs a strong, thriving Houston unburdened by high debt and unnecessary spending.”

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