Earlier this week, State Rep. Kevin Roberts (R- Houston) announced the endorsement of Harris County Judge Ed Emmett in his bid for Texas’ Second Congressional District underscoring the one-term state representative’s lack of conservative credentials.
Emmett, who once served in the Texas House, has long been an opponent to conservatives in Harris County as county judge, attacking conservative challengers like Briscoe Cain (R-Deer Park) and supporting liberal incumbents, like pro-abortion State Rep. Sarah Davis (R-West University Place).
More recently, Emmett came under fire for opposing the Texas Senate’s property-tax reform proposal, a priority of the Republican Party of Texas. The legislation, which Emmett sharply criticized during his State of Harris County speech last month, would have allowed for voter approval of property tax rate increases of more than 4%. His statements resulted in a fiery press release by Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, in which both called Emmett out on his anti-taxpayer position.
Upon receiving the endorsement, Roberts claimed to be “humbled” by Emmett’s support, later stating to the Houston Chronicle that he and Judge Emmett had “worked together” since he had been elected.
Roberts’ dissonance with fiscal responsibility should come as no surprise to those who followed his short tenure in the state legislature. In his first and only term, Roberts earned a failing grade of 58 on the Fiscal Responsibility Index.
In an open race, it is especially important for voters to do their own research before casting their ballot, rather than just listening to the candidate. If voters listen to Roberts, however, it sounds like he has just given taxpayers another reason for pause.