A large group of Montgomery County Republican Precinct Chairs from Magnolia and other parts of Precinct 2 have issued a joint letter expressing their support for county commissioner candidate Greg Parker. Parker is challenging incumbent commissioner Charlie Riley in the May 22 runoff.
The letter is signed by 11 precinct chairs or chairs-elect, representing half of the 22 voting precincts within Precinct 2. That so many Republican Party officers in Precinct 2, many of whom represent Riley’s home town in Magnolia, would speak against the sitting commissioner is a clear indicator that voters are ready for real change.
The letter begins by stating that the chairs stand with other Republican officials such as District Attorney Brett Ligon, Pct. 3 Commissioner James Noack, and The Woodlands Township Chairman Gordy Bunch in supporting Parker’s candidacy.
“Parker, a U.S. Army Veteren and two-time commissioner of Comal County, has the principled leadership and integrity we’re looking for to lead Montgomery County forward,” the letter states. “His positions on mobility, toll roads, and spending, along with his experience in emergency management and his stand against nepotism and other conflicts of interest, make him the best candidate for this position.”
They also contrast Parker with the incumbent, noting that, “The pattern of questionable ethics demonstrated by some members of our commissioners court has led legislators and others around the state to doubt their fitness for office.”
The letter cites the fact that Riley is under criminal indictment for Open Meetings Act violations, Riley’s opposition to the Republican Party platform, and his support for tolls and The Woodlands Parkway extension as reasons he should be replaced.
“Greg Parker has shown that he stands with citizens on issues,” said Adrian Kaiser, when asked why he signed the letter. “The current county commissioner has shown that he ignores the citizens’ requests.
The stakes are high, with early voting starting next week, from May 14-18. Election Day is May 22.