Tarrant County has become a reliable stronghold for conservatives, producing leaders like State Rep. Bill Zedler and State Rep./Sen.-elect Kelly Hancock. Voters this year kicked out moderate lackeys like underwhelming one-termer Barbara Nash and tax-hiker Vicki Truitt. But the biggest fight may be yet to come, with Stephanie Klick running against Ken Sapp in the open HD91.

Klick is the conservative choice in HD 91

Mrs. Klick, a nurse, has a proven record as a strong, grassroots-oriented conservative leader during her successful tenure as chair of the Tarrant County Republican Party. She has consistently been on the right side of every policy fight, while working to put strong conservatives in office. (You can learn more about Mrs. Klick on her website.)

Her opponent, on the other hand… Not so much. Ken Sapp has a troubling propensity for pushing more school debt while working against tax relief. According to a 2004 Fort Worth Star Telegram article, Sapp was “a leader” opposing the property tax relief effort designed to help senior citizens in North Richland Hills.

During his term on the North Richland Hills council, the city pushed hard for TLOTA, a measure designed to raise gas taxes and increase fees. (Conservatives defeated the measure in 2009, and it’s author — Ms. Truitt — in May.)

Ken Sapp: no pledge to protect taxpayers

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Sapp has refused to sign the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

He is also being funded by State Rep. Charlie Geren, a Straus loyalist who conspired with 65 Democrats and 10 other Republicans to overthrow the previous House speaker. Mr. Geren and his team had a mostly unsuccessful primary season, especially in Tarrant County.

Mr. Geren and his allies worked against the candidacies of local conservatives Bill Zedler, Matt Krause, Patrick Fallon, Jonathan Stickland, and Giovanni Capriglione, among others, in their respective legislative races.

Now those same monied special interests are at work backing Mr. Sapp.

Our friends at the NE Tarrant Tea Party have provided a good comparison of the differences between Mr. Sapp and Mrs. Klick.

For conservative voters in HD91, Stephanie Klick remains the right choice for the July 31 run-off.

Michael Quinn Sullivan

Michael Quinn Sullivan is the publisher of Texas Scorecard. He is a native Texan, a graduate of Texas A&M, and an Eagle Scout. Previously, he has worked as a newspaper reporter, magazine contributor, Capitol Hill staffer, and think tank vice president. Michael and his wife have three adult children, a son-in-law, and a dog. Michael is the author of three books, including "Reflections on Life and Liberty."