Throughout the night we’ll post updated election night analysis and updates. Please note that polls do not close until 7 p.m., Central. Polls close in El Paso at 8 p.m., Central (7 p.m., Mountain).
UPDATE: (11:05pm)
Hearing that all the ballots have been counted in HD-47, and that Paul Workman has defeated Valinda Bolton(i).
UPDATE: (10:48pm)
HD-74: Pete Gallego(i) trailing T.C. Kincaid with 67% of votes in. (Kincaid 51.74% – Gallego 48.25%)
UPDATE: (10:30pm)
Looks like it’s going to be a late night in a couple Travis County races. In HD-47, Paul Workman is holding a light lead over Valinda Bolton(i). Donna Howard(i) and Dan Neil are in a toss-up in HD-48.
UPDATE: (10:05pm)
HD-57: Jim Dunnam(i) concedes to Marva Beck.
UPDATE: (9:52pm)
HD-52: Looks like Larry Gonzales wins big, being declared winner over Diana Maldonado(i).
UPDATE: (9:48pm)
HD-45: Hearing that Patrick Rose(i) has conceded to Jason Isaac.
UPDATE: (9:35pm)
HD-1: George Lavender is holding lead over Stephen Frost(i) (48%-40%).
UPDATE: (9:32pm)
HD-3: We’ve heard that Mark Homer(i) has conceded to Erwin Cain. (Cain 56% – Homer 42.25%) (62 of 116 Precincts)
UPDATE: (9:30pm)
HD-12: With 60% of precincts reporting, we’re hearing Jim McReynolds(i) cannot overcome James White’s lead. (White 55.84% – McReynolds 44.15%)
UPDATE: (9:20pm)
It looks like Travis County is now starting to report results. We’ll get new updates shortly.
UPDATE: (9:08pm)
HD-34: Connie Scott is being declared winner over Abel Herrero(i) in Corpus Christi. (53.06%-46.93%) (58 of 71 Precincts)
UPDATE: (9:02pm)
HD-57: Marva Beck holding lead over Jim Dunnam(i) (50.42%-46.98%) (51 of 90 Precincts)
UPDATE: (8:45pm)
HD-45: Jason Isaac holding lead over Patrick Rose(i) (54%-46%)
HD-12: James White holding lead over Jim McReynolds(i) (58%-42%)
UPDATE: (8:25pm)
HD-78: Margo 53.19% – Moody(i) 46.80% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (8:15pm)
GOVERNOR: Gov. Perry has been declared the winner by several outlets.
-Perry 58.69% – White 38.75% (321 of 8,461 Precincts)
UPDATE: (8:10pm)
HD-84: Frullo 69.01% – Morgan 30.98% (Early Vote)
HD-85: Landtroop 70.32% – Heflin(i) 29.67% (5 of 153 Precincts)
UPDATE: (8:05pm)
HD-47: Workman 52% – Bolton(i) 44% (Early Vote)
HD 93: Nash 51% – Pierson(i) 46% (Early Vote)
HD 134: Davis, Sarah 53% – Cohen(i) 47% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (8:00pm)
HD-56: Anderson, Doc(i) 59.62% – Mabry 37.44% (Early Vote)
HD-57: Dunnam(i) 51.63% – Beck 46.69% (2 of 90 Precincts)
UPDATE: (7:55pm)
HD-45: Isaac 55.19% – Rose(i) 44.80 (3 of 73 Precincts)
UPDATE: (7:52pm)
HD-33: Torres 55.99% – Ortiz, Jr.(i) 44% (Early Vote)
HD-34: Scott 56.56% – Herrero(i) 43.43% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (7:45pm)
HD-96: Zedler 52% – Turner, Chris 48% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (7:42pm)
HD-52: Gonzales 59.3% – Maldonado(i) 37.5% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (7:40pm)
HD-101: Burkett 53.25% – Miklos(i) 46.74% (Early Vote)
HD-102: Carter 58.55% – Kent(i) 41.44% (Early Vote)
HD-105: Harper-Brown(i) 54.34% – Haldenwang 42.72% (Early Vote)
HD-106: Anderson, Rodney 52.73% – England(i) 45.71% (Early Vote)
HD-107: Sheets 55.61% – Vaught(i) 42.87% (Early Vote)
UPDATE: (7:30pm)
GOVERNOR: Perry(i) 58.08% – White 39.8% (91 of 8,461 Precincts)
LT. GOVERNOR: Dewhurst(i) 63.99% – Chavez 32.86% (91 of 8,461 Precincts)
UPDATE: (7:25pm)
HD-12: White 59.48% – McReynolds(i) 40.51 (1 of 97 Precincts)
HD-17: Kleinschmidt(i) 78.72% – Jacobs 19.42% (2 of 107 Precincts)
UPDATE: (7:10pm)
HD-1: Lavender 57.09% – Frost(i) 38.37% (2 of 76 Precincts)
HD-3: Cain 55.43% – Homer(i) 43.51% (2 of 116 Precincts)
UPDATE: (7:02pm)
First polls are closing in Texas. Early voting numbers are coming in. We’ll report first counts shortly.