TTexans are becoming increasingly frustrated with the unconstitutional power the federal government is taking from both its citizens and the state and local governments in which they live. It’s particularly offensive considering the same overlords in D.C. are blatantly irresponsible with the debt that has accompanied such usurpation – $17.6 trillion to be exact.
As expected, some Democrats, like County Judge Clay Jenkins and AG candidate Sam Houston, are gleefully cheerleading this federal bludgeoning.
In fact, both have publicly championed the federal government’s trampling of the state’s healthcare authority through Obamacare (ACA), and the destructive expansion of Medicaid that would needlessly take people off private insurance, and forcefully place them on the backs of hard-working American families.
Shockingly, Mayor’s all over the country, including some in Texas, are unashamedly following their lead…albeit in cowardly fashion.
In late June, countless resolutions were discussed at the 82nd Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors held in Dallas. As the Texas Public Policy Foundation (TPPF) noted, their agenda included sixty four pages of resolutions, including several alarming ones; Addressing Income Inequality: Raising the Minimum Wage; Investing in Better Bicycling: An Economic Development Strategy to Keep Cities Moving; ACA Community Benefits and Food Systems: Opportunity to Improve Community Health; Towards a New Urban Order: Common Platforms and Common Standards for Cities.
TPPF’s Director for their Center of Local Governance, James Quintero, stated, “Also of note was the group’s overwhelming support for several climate change resolutions that call for a massive expansion of the federal leviathan at the local level.”
With so much free time on their hands, the organization and its members would better serve taxpayers by sharing best practices that make the delivery of municipal services more efficient, or by advocating for amendments to their government’s charter that limit their own power, and as a result, preserve the civil and economic liberty of their residents.
At the very least, the USCM could introduce measures that oppose the federal usurpation of authority, instead of surrendering their sovereignty!
Interestingly, the aforementioned resolutions passed by voice vote, meaning, there is no record vote of how individual Mayors stand on any of these issues.
Perhaps it’s because the cowardly Mayors who supported these resolutions don’t want their Texas constituents knowing who they are?
In order to find out, Texans will have to reach out to their Mayor and ask them to take a public position. It stands to reason that many in attendance spoke out in opposition to their colleagues. But if those individuals in opposition are serious about issues of this magnitude, they should sign a joint letter stating exactly that.
Silence will only allow the USCM to tout their radical advocacy planks to other officials, the media, and the public, as representative of the organization and all of its members.
The USCM and its big-government agenda illustrates yet another compelling reason why Texans need to engage their officials at the state and local level, and encourage them to speak out.
Although hundreds attended the conference from around the country, thirty-four Mayors represented Texas cities. Below is the contact information for all attendees, according to the USCM website, along with their contact information.
Is your Mayor on the list?
Todd Meier
Becky Ames
Marion Grayson
Antonio Martinez
Jason Bienski
Matthew Marchant
Cedar Hill
Robert Franke
Sean Terry
Karen Hunt
Corpus Christi
Nelda Martinez
Mike Rawlings
Chris Watts
Carl Sherman
Richard H. Garcia
Flower Mound
Tom Hayden
Fort Worth
Betsy Price
Maher Maso
Douglas Athas
Glenn Heights
Leon Tate
Annise Parker
Beth Van Duyne
Scott Cosper
Raul Salinas
Brian Loughmiller
Missouri City
Allen Owen
Harry LaRosiliere
Port Arthur
Deloris Prince
Laura Maczka
San Marcos
Daniel Guerrero
Jesus Ruiz
John Terrell