Despite it being the state’s highest appellate court for criminal cases, voters are often woefully under-informed about races for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. That is unfortunate because the Court is typically the last resort for Texans when their life and liberty are at stake. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility endorses two candidates for the Court of Criminal Appeals.

An Experienced Conservative Reformer

Judge Ray Wheless has distinguished himself on the bench of the 366th District Court in Collin County. Appointed by Gov. Abbott as Chairman of the Special Courts Advisory Commission, Wheless has championed criminal justice reform designed to achieve better outcomes at lower costs to taxpayers.

Wheless is running for the open Place 2 on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals.

Wheless has been endorsed by conservative movement leaders including Kelly Shackleford, Cathie Adams, and Tim Lambert. He has also earned the endorsement of a number taxpayer champions including senators Van Taylor and Bob Hall and representatives Matt Rinaldi, Scott Sanford, Matt Shaheen, Jeff Leach, and Bill Zedler.

Wheless will bring to the Court of Criminal Appeals a record of fairly and accurately applying the law. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility enthusiastically endorses Judge Ray Wheless.

An Aggressive Conservative Prosecutor

Brent Webster has received accolades as an effective conservative prosecutor in Williamson County and seeks to bring his experience to the Court of Criminal Appeals. A lifelong conservative, Webster has approached his position as a prosecutor with honesty and integrity.

Webster has dedicated his career to fighting for victims, including children who have been abused. He has handled both administrative posts and has worked in the courtroom trying major felonies.

Webster is running for the open Place 5 on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. He has made defending the First and Second Amendment rights of Texans a centerpiece of his camapaign.

Webster will always put the constitutional rights of Texans first. Texans for Fiscal Responsibility is proud to endorse Brent Webster.

Tony McDonald

Tony McDonald serves as General Counsel to Texas Scorecard. A licensed and practicing attorney, Tony specializes in the areas of civil litigation, legislative lawyering, and non-profit regulatory compliance. Tony resides in Austin with his wife and daughter and attends St. Paul Lutheran Church.